Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I feel that I'm quite an annoying person recently...


  1. what happened? don't worry everyone is allowed certain time to be annoying heehhe

  2. hhahah... i feel that if i put myself as someone else, i will feel a bit annoyed with my acts... >.<

  3. Lho lho lho.... ah cece ne..... annoying cak mano??? idak ah... cece tu kan lucuuu.... baeekkk..... :)

    Oh iyo ce, semalem aku mimpi cece lhooo.... dlm mimpi aku tu, kito ketemu lho ce, tp dak jelas di indo apo di malay....hehehehehe..aku sih ngarepnyo di malay....hhehehehee.... yo pokoknyo intinyo tu, dlm mimpi aku tum cece cerito soal si ko er***, soal dio sms dan nelpon cecesok perhatian, dll dll, .... hahahahahahaa.... pas bangun td pagi, aku kaget "yaaa...cuman mimpi....ah tp mudah2an jd kenyataan" hehehehehe.....

  4. @miss: iy nah miss.. dk tau nih, ap cuma perasaan b.... thx anyway for your care! =))))))

    wahh, asik jg t klo ktmu... =D jgn di malay miss, di UK b sklian... =DDD

    ai miss nih, udah2 la... dk katek ap2.. nanti, klo ud ktmu the ONE, gek ksh tau miss la.. ohohohoho... =DDD

  5. wkwkwkwkwkwkw ngarep nian aku ce men kito ketemu di UK....hehehehehehe.....

    Nah ce, itu kan mimpi aku ce, dak biso dikendalikan, walopun sebenernyo pengen jd kenyataan....wkwkwkwwkwkwkw....

    Oke ce, gek kasih tau ye...skalian cariin aku ye ce.... wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwwkwkwwkw

  6. haha miss.. =D

    iy miss, dv harap miss dapat jodoh yang baik dan sesuai keiinginan hati... =)
