Monday, December 27, 2010

Terrible Health Services

Dear Readers,

I've come home for almost 1 month, and heard from Dad, Mom, relatives and our friends about their experiences and my own with health services in Indonesia. Terrible, it is..
how the GP does not take notes all the patient's history.
how unprofessional and non-hygienic the clinical test is.
how easy consumers may get certain prescribed medicines.
how the cashier staff at the front office may have dual job to explain what the medication does.
how the consumers blindly follow the unprofessional treatment...
and the one who's responsible for it is just not responsible for it...

Terrible, huh? It terrifies me.
I hope we can serve better soon.. before anyone suffers from these unfortunate incidents.


  1. Even though I took the same MMR shot (immunization) back in Indo and in the US, there's a huge difference to how they process the whole thing =x For example, they asked if there was any chance that I could be pregnant before giving the shot but they didn't ask when I did it back at home (though of course I was not and am not :p)

    Ooops. Rambled.

  2. yeap! ahhaha...
    thank you so much for sharing! =D
