Friday, October 30, 2009

Missing You

Missing You

In the middle of the night
when all melancholy feelings begin to rise

There's silence Duo from a Windancer...

I remember you
when Pastorale from Song of a Secret Garden vibrates through the air

Your favorite classical music...

Like an old-opened diary
Our memories flow like a Serenade to Spring

Do you remember the Steps...?

The innocent Hymn to Hope which sometimes may end up In Our Tears
hoping it remember The Promise it made

...of The Rap in the Celebration?

I may be a Dreamcatcher
but you are my Dawn of a New Century

Could it be the Poeme of Moving that they're trying to say...?

The mist of the rain
flowing gently like Elan in the Chaconne story

...Passacaglia to Sigma...

Sona, is it just a sonnet or sonata?
Always, You Raise Me Up with all Earthsongs you know

and here - I blow a brand new breeze of missing you - only - for you...

29 Oct 2009

*this prose or u can say a poetry was inspired by all (I hope) songs from the Artists of "Secret Garden". These instrumental songs are very well played! For classical music lovers, I think it's a good thing to listen to. Though, I don't know the genre of these music. Sorry... :( Btw, the missing you part?? I don't know, the idea just popped up when I hear the music.. =P LoL*


  1. very well written!! (katek gawe nian kau yo sampe smpet2nyo bikin cak inian HAHAHAH) dak o, it's good stuff ;)

  2. GG.. aku jg dk nyangko biso jd ck ini...
    trakir kali nulis puisi english kpn y?
