In fact, this is my first time joining a Vesak Parade!
Lighting up lanterns and cherished devotees! =)
It is so happening event in Malaysia! There are so many beautiful caravans carrying Buddha's and Bodhisattva's statues, monks giving blessings to all people all around, singing caravans, and many others!
one of the caravans! there are sooo many!
We walked for more or less 12 km!!! starting from Maha Vihara Temple, Brickfield at around 6-7pm until Bukit Bintang, then, make a round turn back to the temple at 10-11pm! There were so many people joining and seeing the parade from little kids, youngsters, adults, and senior citizens! =) admire their high spirits!
another one!
resting after hours of walking!
Again, Happy Vesak Day all! =)