Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Duan Wu Festival! =)

So impressed with the new template designer!!! =)
Can't help myself to try it!
but so sorry.. the looks become somewhat messy, cause I haven't rearranged and designed everything yet!
and like the picture above? Just some random favorite picture! Nice eh? like entering into a secret garden! =)

I'm so blessed that everything is good and well.. =) One more exam paper to go...

Today is my Grandma's birthday, and my late Grandpa's 4th passing away anniversary. This year these events happen at the same day. My mom told me the day before that she bought "bakcang" because it's near Duan Wu Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival - a period of time when usually all chinese families have bakcang at home, and eat them together with all family members - and would bring it to the temple, read some prayers, and do sharing of merits for Akong, wishing wherever Akong is now, may he be well and happy always. =)

I remember how much I like to play with Akong. We played cards in which he was really good at it, played clenching fist where all of us, his grandchildren trying our best to get our hand out of his strong fist! =)))
Also, fried porridge!! special recipe from Akong! I remember his smiling face playing with slices of cucumbers that he cut, and put it in his forehead. I've learned that Akong took the end of the cucumber slice and rotated to the other cut surface area of the cucumber to remove the slime, and I still remember it until now.. =)

Deary Akong,
For all the good deeds that you have done,
For all the good things you have shared and passed on to us,
May it bring you a happy, secure, and peaceful life.
May you be well and happy, truly happy...
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice..

Good Nite, all... promise myself to be more mindful! Gambatte! =)



  1. hah? bukannyo akong tu akhir april?

  2. @angita: bukannya mei c? jgn2 akong dari papa y?

  3. :)
    May he be blessed always
    May he attain supreme bliss of Nibbana :)

    btw, ngidem bakcangggggggggg
    uda lamo dak makan bakcanggggg

  4. thx ko edi! =)

    Haha.. devi jg dk makan taun ini.. gek liat la pas blek medan ad yg msh jual lagi dk.. hahha.. xD
    missing the time when mom and grandma used to make it themselves! and i like to disturb them! hahah.. xD

  5. Happy Bakchang day!!! *telat sih* hahaha :)

    For Devi's akong:
    May he be well and happy always

    and good luck for the last exam :)


  6. jgn lupo tapao ke sini yooo
    blom makan bakcang sm skali slamo bbrp taon trakhir

  7. may all be well and happy, sadhu sadhu sadhu =)

  8. thx all.. do appreciate it! =)
