Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pharmacy, Health, and Society 1 ... ONE!!! which means there are 2!!! TT

Oh gosh.. PHS 1.......
This is the first time I guess when I really mean it when I say it..

"I just can't memorize these kind of things TGA, PBA, Victoria bla bla bla!"



  1. tenang devi, ditulis2 coba supaya bisa hafal :)

    coba apply mindfulness waktu menghafal, sesuatu yang worth it buat dicoba :)

  2. ttg law n regulation kah itu?
    skrg saia jg sedang mempelajari hal yg sama
    Victoria Regulation?
    =p =p

    tp ttep Good Luck and all the Best y buad exam
    last exam neh.. jdi harus bantai examny abis2an..
    jgn smp dibantai yeee... *choi2*

    hmmm... try to understand the lecture first, br mgkin bs apal.. hehehe
    different ppl hv different method to study ;)
