Saturday, July 24, 2010

Out of their mind

Dear Readers,

I feel quite irritated right now, was very irritated few days ago, and a week ago.

Some people who are out of their mind really exist!

Maybe they are ignorant about this because they are not told.

But at least messages of concern have been sent, and delivered to one of them.

"Helloooo, stay put OUT of this unit!!!"

and still, they nonchalantly laugh and enjoy themselves, I even cannot sense a slight tint of regret.

Some people who are out of their mind really exist!

PS. I wonder where their nerve of "bu hao yi si" go......


  1. calm down dek, cheers...
    ada apa? sharing donk?

    ada apa2 sila cari gw d k? bs di bahas =)

  2. wah, siapa tu? make u so angry one?
