Saturday, August 7, 2010

sound of heart

the date-line is drawing near, yet I'm still slacking...

oh no.. think that i'm taking this too lightly... and joined the party...

I used to regret, but now... when I was sitting and recalling back what I've done before, during, and after that,

I have shared a little conversation, laughter, food, opinion, and companionship with my friends that I've treasured.

I am glad!

Pray for me everyone, may I have peace, cause peace makes the world go round in harmony! =)

It's 3.30 AM here...

Have a gud nite sleep everyone! =)

Here, share you a song!


  1. Deviiii! JIA YO! JIA YO! JIA YO!

    Jgn trlalu dipaksain klo emank ga bs ke BBQ party ari sabtu ya dev.

    You have to come without any worries. So you can enjoy every moment you will go through :)

  2. wah...template baru ce... hehehehehe....
    libur dak ce??? kami di igna dak ado libur awal puaso nah...huhuhuhuhu....

  3. @c ching: gpp c.. spare time bntar kan gpp.. =)

    @miss angie: missss!!!!!!! selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa!!! =))) semoga diberkati yg kuasa! bertambah bijaksana dan bahagia! =)
