Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures, Kitties, and Blogs!

As promise, here the pictures!

...Peeping through my handphone...

Remember I've told you about straightening my hair for my sister's commencement day? Here is the result (on your left). It's awesome that technology can change people's appearance in minutes! :) But still, I prefer my natural curly hair (on your right). Well, I must say that my curl hair now is much better than it was before years ago. Maybe because of the technology or it is just that I have learned to accept and love my hair just the way it is...

Recently, I met so many cats! They are so cute! :)))) Our neighbor's daughter and son are animal lovers. They make me feel at ease cause they feed and nurture these strayed cats. Blessed their kind hearts! =) I can't because my grandma does not really like cats.. Yeah, my family does not really like cats. It's not that they hate them but it's just cats are maybe just quite not hygienic to them... but my Mom and Grandma kept a cat once when my Mom was a teenager i suppose... :)

Oh ya! I have put some pictures to note before this, but not all pictures , cause my sister haven't uploaded it yet...

Oh yes! I have finally decided to let people know about this blog.. So far, they who know this blog are my sister, my brother (does he know? unofficially I guess...), my Uncle, Noerma, Power, Billy, Adi, William, Jay, Yandi (...just known!)


  1. wowww,, namaku disebut haha,,
    nice writing vi,,^^

  2. no dek, i hate cats. okay maybe hate is too much, but i dislike them. and am scared of them.

    thx for uploading my grad picts :)

  3. @round in a sleigh: yo i! thx yo.. :) yan, aku jd pengen nulis pake bahasa indoo!! :)

    @Angita: dasar... isn't cat so cute, Nyo?? :)))
